Narrative Essay On High School Work

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I was blind during high school. I lacked the vision to understand the golden opportunity I had, and instead looked at school work as an inconvenience. I was unable to recognize my long term path in life, and instead focused only on the short term. Rather than working diligently and achieving accomplishments that actually matter, I took a path of self- indulgence. Back then I was content with floating through life and being a mediocre underachiever. Retrospectively, it’s obvious I had numerous issues. These issues fostered complacency, procrastination, and low effort during my high school years. I look back at my high school days in shame, as I know I did not perform at the level I am capable of. Yet, although this regret hangs over …show more content…

I was uncertain about what career to pursue. Additionally, my parents were dealing with financial uncertainty at the time. Given these factors, I made the tough decision to take a break from school and joined the workforce instead. Although this was an unconventional path, I consider it a blessing considering it has widened my understanding in life and helped transform me for the better. Currently I work at a dental lab where I help create dentures and other services for dentists. There is no spectacular tale of self-identity for me to tell, as I simply worked and matured. Yet, as a result I realized how much of a struggle it can be just to make ends meet in this world. Just paying for the basic services I used to take for granted consumes most of my salary, yet my situation is fortunate. I had a coworker who worked long hours in multiple jobs just to be able to provide for her son. Even though she is capable of much more, her opportunities were closed off as a result of financial restraints. Witnessing others people’s deeps struggles motivates me deeply to make the best of my own opportunities. Growing up I was sheltered from how difficult and even dangerous …show more content…

My abstract goal in life that will fulfill me is simply to help improve the world around me. I consider this a highly important broad ideal for me to pursue. I decided the best way to accomplish this is to dedicate myself to a challenging profession that fits my interests and way of thinking. Engineering is the clear fit for me, and ultimately I plan on earning my masters in structural engineering. Math and science were always my strong suits. Although my high school grades in math may have not always showed this, the issue there was one of effort rather than ability. My view on life is different now. I live my life to chase my limits, and to reach my maximum potential. To attain this, I choose to pursue the biggest dream I can imagine in my career. Right now that would be to spend my peak years working in the space industry and designing structures on the Moon, Mars, or just satellites in outer space. Although this pursuit might be unrealistic and outlandish, to reach my maximum potential there can be no restraints. At the same time, this goal doesn’t necessarily need to be

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