Nanabush's Intentions

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The intentions of Nanabush within the story are good, but in the process of achieving his goals he creates a lot of mischief in the surrounding community creating a bad outcome. Nanabush’s intentions involve helping Maggie, and because he is so infatuated with Maggie Nanabush definitely has no intentions of hurting Maggie. Nanabush had made a big promise with Lilian to bring magic into Vergil’s life, and many of the things he does are to fulfill this promise, but in the process stirs up many problems within the community. When Wayne and Vergil get involved they are rather aggressive, and because of Virgil’s Blindness to the truth he is convinced that Nanabush is bad, and that he must be stopped. Although this was to honor a promise Nana bush has just made himself more trouble. Nanabush’s Intentions are good, honoring a promise with Lilian, and helping Maggie, however his actions produce bad effects on the community at times like Wayne, and Vergil’s actions which oppose Nanabush, and slow himself from completing his own goals. Nanabush is infatuated with Maggie, wanting to help, and intends to do no harm to Maggie because of his infatuation for her. During the story Maggie is struggling to deal with the problem of what is to become of the new land. …show more content…

He keeps his true intentions a secret from Vergil, making Virgil much more interested in him causing him to pursue Nanabush. Vergil discovers Magic through Nanabush’s actions and find out that Nanabush is actually real. Although he does discover that Magic is real Nanabush’s plan did fail, and that plan now involves the police, and brings a whole plate of work to Maggie who is dealing with the bones in the new land. Nanabush uses many identities within the story, and changes his physical feature to bring about more magic into Virgil’s

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