The Devastating Aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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Daisaku Ikeda said “Japan learned from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that the tragedy wrought by nuclear weapons must never be repeated and that humanity and nuclear weapons cannot exist.” The United States had three main reasons why they dropped the atomic bomb in such a rush. They wanted to limit American casualties from fighting future battles. The United States wanted to establish dominance over the war before Russia could join in. Lately they wanted to see what kind of damage it would really do what what the aftermath would be like. In fact the atomic bombs used in World War II against Japan were the only atomic bombs ever dropped in a real war situation because of the aftermath. The atomic bombs caused such devastating radiation damage to everyone close enough to the Those who survived the bombing began to experience high fever, dizziness, nausea, headaches, diarrhea, bloody stool, nose bleeds, and whole body weakness(Susan Southard). Survivors also experienced large clumps of hair falling out, wounds secreted excess pus, and the swelling and bleeding of gums(Susan Southard). Many victims experienced hemorrhaging beneath the skin, loss of consciousness, delirious mumbling and death from extreme pain(Susan Southard). Many suffered for weeks before dying or slowly recovering, and even those with no external injury fell sick and died due to the radiation(Susan Southard). All of these symptoms were seriously deadly, and some survivors wished for a faster death. Dr. Tatsui Chiro Akizuki, a tuberculosis hospital owner in Nagasaki, compared the symptoms from the radiation to the Black Death Pandemic that raged across Europe in the 1300s(Susan Southard). A second wave of death and illness swept through Nagasaki. People died in order of their distance from the hypocenter(Susan Southard).Dr. Akizuki called this phenomenon the “concentric circles of death.”(Dr.

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