NDT Personal Statement

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I was first introduced to NDT through a dance history class. I was given an assignment to write a paper on Jiri Kylian, and through the assignment discovered his connections to the company and the quality of performance the company produced. Since then NDT has been such a constant source of inspiration, and became one of my dream companies. My experience with NDT has been minimal, mostly watching video content through social media or participating in workshops with various company members (past and present), but it is one thing to view the spectacle that is NDT, and to experience the spectacle. After observing the work for so many years I’ve decided to apply to the summer intensive.

Summer Study is extremely beneficial to any dancer, being given the opportunity to study in a new place, with new peers, and from extremely experienced and intelligent teachers, can help propel a young dancers training further. The opportunities for summer study can be overwhelming and narrowing down which intensives to apply to is a very complex and insightful process. Making the decision of applying to the NDT summer intensive was …show more content…

In August of 2016, I was unfortunately forced to provide for myself financially, due to a decision made by my mother, who at the time was my sole guardian. I have not spoken to her since, and have received no support from either one of my parents. This event was the final result of a long-time volatile relationship, a relationship that was emotionally abusive and quite poisonous. It was in best interest for myself and my future that we part paths. The past year I have struggled financially, fortunately I have been able to live with a dear friend but in order to attend any form of workshop, I am in dire need of some financial support. As a high school student and a full time dancer being able to support myself has been very difficult, and any help would be greatly

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