NASA Persuasive Essay

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Have you ever wondered how you are able to call and watch tv from satellite? Well, just one word can lead to a heated discussion. NASA. Some will debate that NASA is not worth it, while some will. It all depends on what evidence you have. NASA is worth the government’s funding because unlike what you may think, NASA’s funding is actually put to good use. NASA has just announced that they’ve used some of the funding for detecting asteroids, coming directly at Earth. Some of these asteroids are big enough to create a crater 310 miles in diameter! NASA provides amazing discoveries, jobs, and exploration opportunities. Not only does NASA do that, but NASA also provided many of your everyday life products ranging from memory foam to water purification …show more content…

Ever since 2011, NASA has had its budget reduced from 18.5 billion dollars to 17.8 billion dollars in 2012. Again, in 2015, it was dramatically reduced again, to 17.4 billion dollars. If you compare it to the U.S. military, the military spent 601 billion dollars. The money that the government has provided to NASA is for worthy causes. Your emergencies, like calling the fire department, NASA provided the most lightweight gear. If you have an artificial limb, you can thank NASA for providing that. If you want to communicate with people on the other side of the world, 200 of NASA’s satellites orbit the Earth everyday, making it not only possible, but instantly. From smoke detectors to solar panels to invisible braces, without NASA’s technologies, we could not be where we are in advancement right now. Asteroids, are big enough to destroy big cities, like New York, New York. The largest impact in living memory took place in Tunguska, Russia back in 1908. The asteroid exploded about six miles above the Earth's surface but was still powerful enough to destroy an area roughly 800 square miles in size. Shockwaves were felt as far away as the United

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