Myth Of Money And Success

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Wealth should not be the only sign of success. Money allows people to have prestige and material wealth however, having an excess amount of money does not necessarily make someone feel happier or more successful. Continuing to believe that success is defined through economic wealth and gain will limit a person’s definition of success. In the next seventy to eighty years the new Myth of Money and Success will have an immense influence on the thoughts and actions of Americans. My definition of the new myth is more diverse and inclusive and it will provide equal opportunity to enable everyone to create their own success. The Myth of Money and Success will be defined by the components of happiness such as betterment of self, role in a community, and personal relationships. …show more content…

With each component people can pick different aspects and then determine for themselves what they can improve on. Success is going to be determined by true contentment, and from within, having a meaning in our lives beyond money. Being successful is not going to require validations from others however, it is going to boil down to what one’s unique meaning of success is. Real success comes from living your life in accordance with your own true nature, and being yourself. The myth will take more than seventy years to become reality because it is hard to not compare ourselves to the people around us and the celebrities depicted on TV. The United States does not grant everyone the same opportunities and equality; we are a long way for Americans to be

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