My Tornado Narrative

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I was playing on my PlayStation. My mom came into the room and said “There is a tornado watch and you should get off so the PlayStation doesn’t get fried. I got off of it and I went to get a snack. I went to my room and I got on the weather channel’s website and it said there was a tornado warning. The website also said it could be an F5 tornado. I told everybody in the house that their was a tornado warning and how bad the tornado could get.. My dad said to get into the bathtub and I did asa he said. I called my friends to see if they had known about the warning and they all knew about it. A few Minutes later I heard a lot of things hitting other things very close by and I new it was the tornado. I said “Are we going to get hit by the tornado?” My mom said” I don’t know. …show more content…

As we was rolling around, the bathtub hit something and everyone went and hit the other side of the bathtub. Everyone was hurt and it seemed like that we were stuck on something. About 5 minutes later we looked and we could not see the tornado anywhere and a tree caught us when the tornado flung the bathtub. The bathtub had a lot of dents and took a lot of abuse. We didn’t know how to get down because we were at least like 8 feet high in the air. We yelled for help and someone came and said “Do you want me to call the fire apartment to get you down form up

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