My Too Hard Poem Life By Joseph Cacciotti

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Life. This word can be interpreted in many different ways by many different individuals that all have distinctly experienced it. What makes life very captivating is seeing the many points of views that others, such as writers have through poems they have written. In the following essay i will be analysing three different poems that will tie into the theme of life and living it. I will also explain why i have categorized the poems as I have. I will talk about my too easy poem, my too hard poem, and finally my just write poem that i connected to the most.
My first poem will be my too easy poem by Joseph Cacciotti tittled "Life". This poem refers to life as a road that is ongoing and is never known when to stop but will eventually come to an …show more content…

This poem starts its first and second stanza with the word "Children", which shows that she is addressing this poem to young children. The poem talks about how children still think of life as this happy and pure thing when they really haven't endured as much as people of older age have. It points out how they still have hearts that havent been corrupted by sadness that love may sometimes bring. How they still have a flame of pureness inside because they have not yet gotten a taste of what life actually is. It also talks about how children have not felt lose nor actual fear that comes with living life. I made this poem be my too hard poem because it contains big vocabulary that made it hard for me to understand when I first read it. It was words like stalactite and amethyst that i had to stop and look up to get most of what Naidu was trying to say. Another reason why i characterizes it as it is, is because i do not really connect to what she is saying because I, personally characterize myself as a child that has endured many of these tragedies. Also I think about other children that have worse lives than children in america and just because they are little it does not mean that they have easy lives. This is why I thought it to be a hard poem that i do not identify …show more content…

The first stanza is about how life isn't always a dream because it's filled with darkness and hardship. Even though life contains bad it also contains some good. But though it holds bad moments it helps us grow as humans and that should be the reason we shouldn't mourn on the ugly side of life too much. The second stanza is saying to be grateful for the great moments in life because they do not last forever even if they might seem like they do. The last and final stanza talks about death and loss. It points out that death is inevitable and sadness overcomes us and wants to take over, making our lives take drastic shifts. And even though we fall we can always get back up by being strong and courageous. This poem also contains a rhyming pattern of ABCB that gives the poem a sort of bounce and happiness to it even though it talks about dark topics. The reason why I loved this poem was because it made me think but i could still understand what the writer was trying to put across. I also connected to the poem in every stanza and got to connect it to my experiences. I felt as though this writer gotta put some of my life into words and explain how i feel about life perfectly. I did have to look up a word but even though i did, it didn't stop me from understanding the poem as a

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