My Sister's Keeper

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My Sister's Keeper was one of the most emotional movies I've seen this year. It had anger and sadness and happiness in just the right mix to level everything out. Like the scene where they're all sitting at the dinner table, and everyone is confused and filled with emotion, but then they drive to the firehouse, where Anna is happy with everyone else there. They are so confused at the table because they don't think that Anna is old enough to make her own decisions, but I think a kid is only as smart as you make them. I mean, how would anyone else solve this problem if they were in it. Oh yeah, your probably wondering what the plot is, maybe I should have started with that. The story is about a family, where the oldest daughter Kate has cancer, and the parents Brian and Sarah genetically create a perfect match daughter to donate body parts. Anna the perfect match suddenly wants to stop and have her own freedom. …show more content…

It has the parents, Jesse the only son, there aunt Kelly, and of course Anna. It does not have that much talking but shows a lot of body language. This scene is very important to the movie because it shows how commanding the mom is and how determined Anna is. It also shows the splitting of the mother and daughter until they can resolve their differences. The scene pretty much just shows Sarah asking Anna questions and Anna answering them, while everyone else watches them argue. The director Nick Cassavetes did a great job using the location and actors to tell the story and show what they were thinking. He worked on the Notebook another great dramatic movie, where there were some similarities in how they acted. They were both great movies and very well made. The actors also play a great roll in the making of the movie, the movie would be impossible to make with out the main character Anna, she has been in a lot of movies and is now a very talented

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