My Roman Coin Research Paper

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My Roman coin was minted in A.D. 336 and is sized at 15mm 1.5gm. It is part of the GLORIA EXERCITVS (the glory of the army) and can be described as two soldiers wearing helmets, facing one another, reversed spear in outer hands, inner hands on shields resting on the ground; between them one standard inscribed with a Chi-Rho. (RIC VII Arles 394.) Constantine I and his son, Constantius II, had administered the remaining provinces of the Eastern Empire. The Western Empire was then divided between Constantine II and Constans. Constantine II took the lands that were previously owned his grandfather, Constantius Chlorus. In 335 A.D., the number of nummus to a pound was raised to 192, and the reverse of the GLORIA EXERCITVS coins then had only one banner because they were so much smaller.
In 336, Constantine had reconquered a large portion of Dacia for the Roman Empire. He had embraced Christianity and respected growth, although he waited to convert into Christianity until the end of his life. Ironically, Christianity ended up being the official language of the Empire. With the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., he had granted free religious worship and recognition by the state. As a result of this, the persecution of the Church had finally …show more content…

Another important record was that the first official mention of December 25 as a holiday honoring Jesus’ birthday appears in an early Roman calendar in 336 A.D. In support to this information from another source, while there is one record of Christmas being celebrated in Antioch (Turkey) on December 25 in the middle of the second century, there is no record of its being observed on that date in Rome until the year 336 AD. In 350 AD, Pope Julius I declared December 25 the official date and in 529 AD Emperor Justinian declared Christmas a civic

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