Unveiling My Ignorance: A Racism Reevaluation

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Final Journal This semester has been filled with so many different aha moments for me that it is almost impossible to pick just one. Before I took this class, I was extremely blind to racism and the many kinds of discrimination that happen to people in all minorities, except for the LGBT community of course, because I belong to that minority. Looking back on my lack of knowledge is uncomfortable for me because I cannot believe how self-absorbed and ethnocentric I was. I really used to believe that racism was just slurs and violent acts against people of color and that I had never personally participated in racism. I would have to say my biggest aha moment of the semester was actually an ongoing process where I reevaluated everything that I ever thought that I knew about racism. One of …show more content…

My meaning of myself as a sexual person really has not changed at all throughout this semester. I entered the LGBT community a long time ago and spent endless time exploring what it means to be a part of this minority group, so much of what we learned did not surprise me much or have an aha effect on me. However, I know it is always important to continue to educate myself on the topic and I think it was really interesting to get to hear other people’s LGBT stories this semester, both in the movies we watched and through in-class discussions. Since I plan to be the best ally that I can be to all minorities in the future, I really need to learn to speak up when it is necessary. This has always been very rough for me because I have a good amount of social anxiety and I cannot even begin to emphasize how much I do not like to cause “waves” in a social situation. I am incredibly glad that we did the broaching activity for this reason. It was really nice to practice speaking up to people in a setting where I felt

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