My Personal Experience: The Influence Of The Early Childhood Experience

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According to my own life experience, I strongly believe that early childhood experiences are very important to forge our personality over time. I grew up in a nurturing and loving environment where I always felt safe, loved and my parents always made me feel important. I was a strong-will child. I used to throw temper tantrums if things didn’t go my way. I used to be very demanding as well, my mother used to joke about my personality and she used to ask me where I had left my crown --I acted like I was a queen--. Despite of my strong-will personality, my mother’s nurturing unconditional love and attention, shaped my personality. My mother was very patient and compassionate. She used to explain things so well to make me understand why things couldn’t always be how I wanted them to be. With her help, over time, I learned how to deal with my emotions and situations and these experiences shaped my behavior and personality. The conversations we had still remain in my mind and I still think …show more content…

A few months after she passed away I also moved from Guatemala to the US. Dealing with my mother’s sudden death (stroke) and adjusting to a new life away from my family was very difficult for me. My mother’s sudden death impacted my life. After trying so hard to overcome the sadness of not having my mother with me, I had to distort reality. I changed the images of her inert body laying at the hospital, (she had brain death) with one of her beautiful pictures in which she is smiling. Every time I think about her I see her happy and smiling. I still distort reality because, in my heart, I think that my mother is with me and she’s always watching over me. Sometimes, speak with her (in my mind) whenever I’m feeling sad. I unconsciously distort reality because by doing so I feel better about adverse circumstances (I fool myself), and this distorting mechanism really helps me deal with

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