My Level Of Hell In Dante's Inferno

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My level of Hell for non-believers is most similar to Dante Alighieri’s level of violence against God, nature, and art. One way in which these two level relate is my level of hell and Dante’s level of hell have people trying to change what God has already given them to follow. “Once Rhea chose it as the secret crypt and cradle of her son; and better to hide him, her Corybantes raised a din when he wept” (Dante 1494-96). Rhea tries to change her fate that God had set for her, which leads her to become a sinner. Dante sets certain punishments to different types of sinners; Blasphemer is violence against God, their punishment is to be burned on the sand. In my level of hell, people have to be burned at the stake and limbs are torn apart from their …show more content…

The three different sins have different meanings. First, Blasphemers was when the naked souls had to lie in the burning sand. Secondly, Sodomites were when the naked souls had to squat down and wrap their arms around themselves. Lastly, Usurers was when the naked souls had to walk in circles in the burning sand. The burning sand part of this sin is similar to mine because my level of Hell souls are in a hot, fiery climate area just like how Dante has written the Inferno. Lastly, a way that these two levels are similar is because people in both of our level of Hells think that they are on a higher level than God. “He thinks he may detest God’s power too easily, but I as I told him, his slobber is a fit badge for his breast” (Dante 14.67-69). The non-believers try to become on a higher level than God; God is always on top, overlooking everyone. The non-believers are committing a sin and have to have a punishment. The fate that God had set for her and she tries to break it by trying to put her on top of God. Rhea and Saturn have altered the way God would have done which furthermore proves that they have not followed God’s

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