My Leg Day Essay

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Leg Day High school is an essential time in a person’s life. It is when people form their ideals and grow as the person they will be. When I began, I looked, sounded, and smelled like a middle schooler. Yet only four years later, I was expected to be on my own. Along the way I had to learn along the way how to be an adult and and how to solve my own problems. It was slow at first and I had to mature. It wasn’t always easy, but I worked hard to get where I am today. High school, like leg day, isn’t always fun, but makes oneself a bigger better person. When a young freshman boy walks into the weight room for the first time, he is mind blown. He walks in at a towering five foot four inches, weighing a whopping 120 pounds. He looks around and the first thing he sees is a senior squatting four times his own wight. He looks frail and petite, and doesn’t even know how to do most lifts. This was me …show more content…

I had begun to gain some strength in my legs and I was really about to start lifting the heavy stuff. First of these things, is what happened over the summer. I got a girlfriend. Sure everyone is thinking, well yeah you 're a high school guy. But in this case, Stephanie Folk has been a huge influence on who I have become. This is due to the fact that, as a senior, we are still dating. Now the reason she has been such a huge influence in my life is simple. She is always there for me. She is there for me when I want her to be, like in the case of comfort. And she is always there when I don 't necessarily want her to be, as in when she 's holding me accountable and teaching me how to be better. Now there is another really big thing that happened in my sophomore year. I got a driver 's license. For anyone who caught it, yes I dated a girl for almost six months without either of us being able to drive. Talk about trying to lift more than you can handle. And so I continued on to my junior

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