My Influences On My Cultural Identity

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To begin, I was born in Thailand; I was living there with my mom for eight years of my life. My family was living separately; my dad and my brother immigrated to the United States since I’m still a baby. Even so, my dad always went back and visit us; moreover, he promised that he will one day take us with him. I believe what he said and hopes that it would soon become true. Then when I was nine, my wish was granted; my dad took me to the United States! By the time I arrived, I could feel the differences between there and Thailand; the cultures are extremely different; the language is different; people are different; foods are different; everything is different…I, too, was different. But about a couple years later, I started to get along in …show more content…

Above all, everybody has a different cultural identity, even my parents and I do not have the same! We all developed our own cultural identity from the belief, experience, family, race, or even from the ethnic group we’re in. I as well pulled parts of experiences I have had and put them together into one to establish mine: I chose to believe my family that education came first, but the real world is still more important; I believe that women should be treated nicer than men while others might believe that everybody should be treated equally; and I chose to believe that all Asians should ace every class with an A while other might not believe so. See? After all, cultural identity is important; everybody should start finding theirs because cultural identity helps express who the individual really are as a person like their own personal symbol: the invisible fingerprint that we couldn’t see, but feels. Thus we all have our own unique cultural identity, we should use this opportunity to let people knows our thoughts and feelings because most of the major problems in world--war, killing, or suiciding--are all caused by misunderstanding between human. But this is just one little step toward the action because no matter what we find as our cultural identity, at the end, we’re only human

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