My Importance Of Reading And Writing

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To say I dislike reading and writing is an understatement. From the time I was a young student in elementary school to who I am today, English has always been my least favorite academic discipline. The required assigned readings have failed to catch my attention and writing is a rather boring process for me. To me a book is an outdated form of entertainment that requires a significant amount of time and concentration, and writing as a chore that I dislike doing. I have almost always felt this way about reading and writing. In the second grade I remember being assigned a book report and I waited until the night before the report was due to even start reading the book. I naturally picked The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss due to it being incredibly short. Even in the second grade this book was below the reading level expected of me but I really did not care. Throughout the entire assignment I was complaining to my mom that “this is a waste of time” and “I hate reading”. Throughout the rest of elementary school and middle school my views on literature have gotten progressively more negative. While in the fourth grade my teacher Mrs. Monohan announced that the class would need to read a book, make a diorama and present it to the class, it was easy to hear people …show more content…

Many people would also consider reading to be classier or more “cultured” than seeing a movie and that never made sense to me because at their core they are both forms of entertainment that just appeal to different types of people. I think I personally believe that books are seen as important simply because society keeps the traditional view that reading is an activity for the cultured and the wealthy as a result of their availability in the past, where the only literate people were the wealthy elite and books were hand written up until the printing press was

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