My Identity Speeches

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I like to think that I have a little bit of everything, i'm not that guy that is amazing in one particular piece, but more of a person that has a wide variety of talents and skills. When it comes to academics, I can work a little harder but I never stop trying. Sometimes I wake up on a beautiful cool crisp morning where the sun is slowly creeping over the horizon and the cool fall air hits my face giving a sense of refreshment while thinking, why do I have to go to school on such a gorgeous day?!? But it's not because I have to but because I want to, most of my life I have had to go to school, somewhere where you learn life lessons and get an education while also working on your social skills like making friends. Now of course you won't get your best days but it's how you deal with certain situations and overcome problems that really project who you are. …show more content…

I have improved in my own self being knowing that tenth grade chemistry really did matter, know now that if you do something no matter what it is you better make it the best paper, product or idea you have ever had… especially if you're going to put your name on it. I believe my name is important, it's the only true thing that represents who I am, it's the name that's in the plaque for golf’s MVP or the name that's printed on hard worked piece of paper for a professional communications speech. Your name is what you make it and going into college I want to make it the best, friendliest, most involved, well educated, high potential, ready for success name out there; and i'm adamant in which I wont dissapoint

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