My Grandmother's Life: My True Experience With Loss

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About three years ago, I lost someone who meant a very great deal to me. My grandmother passed away in October of 2015. I was only 15 at the time. A teeny, budding sophomore in highschool, who was very naive, especially to the concept of pain. I would say this was a big defining moment for me. This was my first true experience with loss. This event made me feel feelings that were completely foreign to me. It made me face challenges, both externally and within myself, that most have to face, but you really cannot be prepared for until they occur. The big defining moment of my life was not only the loss of my grandmother, but the time I spent with her. During the last few months of my grandmother’s life, I remember spending countless hours surrounded …show more content…

As we sat together she would tell me stories. They were stories I had heard a million times before, but I did not mind hearing them again. She talked about meeting my grandpa and falling in love with him and the time they spent traveling the world together as traveling ministers. She talked about me, and the first time she held me. One of the last things she told me was how she knew her time left on earth was short. She reminded me that she would always watch over me, even after she was gone. After a short 3 months in the hospital, I got a phone call that she had passed away. There was this one time when I was about seven years old, that I was sitting relatively high in a tree I was climbing. I lost my grip and fell 6 feet to the ground and my back hit the hard terrain. The collision felt like it forced every wisp of air from my lungs, and I laid there struggling to breathe. That is how I felt in that moment. My breath was gone and I couldn’t speak. About a week later, I said my last goodbye. It feels like it was yesterday. It was rainy and dark on the day of her funeral. Inside I felt like the sky. My heart felt as heavy and as gloomy as the clouds looked, and the mixture of sadness and anger inside of

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