My First Tattoo Research Paper

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We read stories in books filled with pages in writing, but the ink embeded on our skin represents another kind of story. Once you get a tattoo, you’ll understand one thing specifically: even the most foolish looking tattoos still have some sort of significance or meaning to the person. Personally, I cannot get this out of my head and it repeats over and over as I feel bad for all the previous years thinking other people’s tattoos were dumb. January 24 I got my first tattoo, my dad’s signature. Those of you reading most likely know nothing about me and ask yourselves why my dad’s signature? Last year, my father unexpectedly passed away in early May. I loved my dad to death and always will, I was a daddy’s girl my whole life to him. Despite …show more content…

Recently, or since they got popular, I became overly obsessed with lotus flowers. Yes, I know, I sound like a “typical white girl” who got an artsy tattoo, but my lotus actually has meaning. The tattoo itself resembles something very special to me specifically because no one has anything like it. Again, I know, lotus flower tattoos are common, but mine was designed by the tattoo artist himself and a little bit of it of me just by explaining what I would like. The meaning behind my tattoo is something entirely different from what they typically mean. Lotus flowers resemble something beautiful and elegant that grew from a disgusting, gross, ugly area, representing beauty and rebirth. My entire life I have dealt with major insecurities, every day feeling ugly and never once feeling good. Every day there was something, no matter how nice and pretty I thought I looked I always had this voice in the back of my head telling me how ugly I truly was. Today, I still feel like that, even if makeup conceals it. My tattoo has a greater meaning since I first got it because I often experience a random burst of happiness and confidence, almost like my insecurities have been subdued. They still loom in the negative place in my head, but this tattoo has given me a sense of beauty. Cliche, maybe, but I do feel different and like a newer happier person, which makes it all more meaningful to

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