Creative Writing: One's First Day In High School

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Imagine it is one’s first day in high school. Standing in front befalls the entrance way to your new future, thinking of what lies ahead from the perspective of a middle school grad. One would perhaps have mixed emotions as to what to expect. Observing the new students around the corridors, it transpires as if they are dragging their feet to progress inside, for the reason that they are fresh from the blissful summer days; they are in exchange, yet again, to the reality of school homework, projects, reports and tests. Some have queries and doubts in their minds; what does one expect of themselves getting into a high school life such as this? “What remains in store for me, I wonder…” “This school year is going to be subsequently much tougher …show more content…

I scarcely snoozed at all, the day before; incidentally, I felt insecure regarding the fact of what the unfamiliar tomorrow may bring and that was rather unnerving. After awakening from a practically restless slumber, I had a hefty breakfast expecting that by the conclusion of the day, all I wanted to do is go back home and sleep. Finally, after it was over, my dad gladly drove me to school; there, stood the place where I would spend my next four years of my life. I nervously opened the doors to my future, hoping for the best for myself. At first, I believed departing to class would be simple, but when the bell rang for the first time I had no idea what class room goes where and how busy the halls were going to be. Suddenly, the entire world around me scrambled to class, and on occasions bumping each other along the way; it was a widespread panic for most of the freshmen. Fortunately, I found some wonderful teachers to direct me to my rooms that I will spend the next year …show more content…

I felt uncomfortable and nervous (in all honesty, I still am) meeting strangers, consequently this did not help that fact in my first year. Seeing how I had no choice in the matter, I became cooperative and thoughtful of others; it was cause of this, I felt assured and at ease for my unaccustomed school year. It became apparent to me, that some of my childhood friends from my middle school and elementary years may have left my school zone, and now goes to a different school, or they left for a different city or state and from there lived newfound lives. To my amazement, on occasion, my friends still talk to me through social media. I never expected them to even remember me in the first place; this made me feel pleased and important inside. The best characteristic about me, though, is that I am remarkably well improvising and figuring the situation of everything around me permitting me to fine-tune to my atmosphere. I was able to make many friends, on my first year alone; even though, most were seniors, therefore when it was the close of the school year they all left for substantial goals in their lives. Thinking back to all the enriching and enjoyable times shared with my friends, makes me miss

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