My Father: The Heroic Qualities Of An American Hero

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America has, for many decades, branded itself a nation of opportunity. As an economy built from the industry of first generation immigrants, America’s diversity stands testament to the fact that it is a nation of opportunity. An example of a person who characterizes the ideal that this nation is built on is my very own father. My father, although not completely American, displays the intrinsic qualities of an American hero: belief in oneself, adaptability, and humility. Were it not for his belief in himself, my father would neither have been able to come to the United States, nor create a better life for his family. When my father first began his occupation, he was able to ascend the ranks in his company rather quickly. However, he felt that his line of work conflicted with his own personal and moral values. So he started anew. He left his position and began studying again to join the field he is in today. This drastic decision was not met with smiles and support. If he did not hold himself in high esteem, he would …show more content…

A wide vision and foresight is also an essential aspect of any hero. In order to maintain this broad mindset, humility is essential. My father, who left his incipient occupation in hopes of better opportunities, accurately represents this virtue. He knew that joining an entirely new profession would financially hinder his family temporarily. He could also see that this short-term difficulty would yield long-term ease and enjoyment. Foresight is a virtue that a hero cannot bear to lose because they need to be able to understand the various effects of their actions as well as all the options available to them. Humility in all of this is suppressing one’s arrogance and superiority complex in order to correctly use this foresight. Once this foresight is attained, a hero can truly understand his myriad options and each of their respective

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