My Father And Racial Stereotypes

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On June 30, 1963, my father, Humberto Torres, was born. My father was born in the village of San Francisco del Oro near the city of Parral in Chihuahua Mexico. Like many families, my father migrated into the United States, once married to my mother, in order to provide a better life for his family. He came into the United States with the hope of a better future, although he did not imagine all the different obstacles and experiences he was going to face coming into a new country without speaking the same language. His knowledge about race prejudice hadn’t been developed until he firstly experienced it when he moved here. In general, people tend to build up racial stereotypes about certain racial groups because of personal racial discrimination. The idea that a certain population of people are all the same is the result of racial conflicts around the world. People are categorized by their looks, and this builds up to classification of races. And this what my father’s life lead up throughout the years, but he remained humble through it all.

The fact that my father came from a very poor household …show more content…

And the formation of racial ideas started building up and the classification of groups kicked in. In particular, he classified the “whites” as being in the very top just because we are in their territory. Throughout his initial time in this country my father started noticing little things people would do to hide their origins. He remembers a specific event that took place in Los Angeles, California with one of his former labor colleagues. The fact that his coworker introduced himself as being ‘Spanish’ to the rest of the team when in reality my father knew he was just like him a person born and raised in Mexico. That was a turning point in my dad’s life and he disclosed that he has always followed his roots and has never been ashamed of who he

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