My Eulogy: Alberto Schellemfather As A Grandfather

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I have a guardian watching over me in heaven,I call him Abuelo. Ever since I was a young girl, I admired my grandfather as a hero and a role-model. My beloved grandfather ,Alberto Schellemberg, has had an everlasting imprint on my soul. When I think of my Abuelo, tears come to my eyes as I recall my fond memories I have of him.The long phone calls I had with him and the special visits.He provided me with an abundance of unconditional love,kindness,patience ,comfort,and motivation.My grandfather taught me that you don’t need a cape nor an eye mask to be hero .He taught me certain values that helped shape who I am today. My grandfather may seem to be like every other grandfather, soft and caring. However, despite what one may assume my grandfather …show more content…

The last trip before he passed away my grandfather took me and my sister to visit the country club he was member of for over ten years. At the club my grandfather as well as my father were greeted with warm smiles by many.This kind greeting made me swell with pride that my grandfather was such a respectable member.he was a well liked man by not only his family,and colleagues but by his community as well. Additionally, he always made it his priority to set aside time for family. In his later years he found very cheap tickets to come to Los Angeles, he dropped everything,work and responsibilities and grabbed the opportunity to come visit his beloved grandchildren. Till this day that memory is etched in my heart that my grandfather was willing to put on hold all of his responsibilities to see his grandchildren. He also suffered multiple illness yet these painful disabilities did not deter him his entire life was a constant battle and my gradfather was a true fighter. My grandfather was a children of survivors who had escaped Siberia and to him family was always a priority.He taught me that when life gets tough friends may leave but family stays together.One of the last parting messages my grandfather told me was”Rivka,you should knew that I love you and I am so proud of the young woman you have become.I want you to knew and to never forget that your family will always be there for you and love you. They are there for you and will always support you, never take your parents nor your siblings for

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