My Dream Job

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To have the honor working with kids to keep them healthy is the dream job that I want to have. My dream job is to be a general pediatrician to keep kids healthy and cancer free anywhere around the world and also just to see the smiles on the kids’ faces will bring joy to me just coming into work. To work with kids with different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicity will be a great experience. Even though some people don’t like working with kids to take care of them that is the dream job for me and it will make me very happy to know that I’m helping the kids to have a healthy and stable life. Ronald Adler defines self-concept as “the relatively stable set of perception you hold of yourself” (Adler, Rosenfeld, and Proctor 100) Self-concept it’s very important as you go for your dream job so you can show your boss …show more content…

Being kind is important because you have people who will be going though different situations with their kids so you have to approach with a smile and kindness to give them hope that everything will be okay. Being understanding will be good to have to work with your fellow co-workers and your boss to know that you are serious and that you can understand what kids and families going through. Being motivated to show that no matter how much you want to give up you can’t also you have to show the children no matter how hard their lives are and what they go through they can’t give up and I want to teach children that you don’t have to battle alone because you have your family and supporters backing you up. Being intelligent is giving good ideas to your boss about what can we do better as a whole and what can we do about the children’s health and give an acceptable diagnosis. Being humble will show everyone why the boss hired you on the team as people will call you a super hero just to be there for the children. Being goofy is to keep

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