My A. R. Book Report: Eleanor And Park

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Eleanor and Park Book Report My A.R. book for this marking period was Eleanor & Park. It was published in 2013 by Rainbow Rowell. This is a story of Eleanor and Park and how they met, starting their complicated relationship. It tells their thoughts and opinions on each other in a dual narrative between both Eleanor and Park. If you do not like romance book this is not a good one for you, but if you are a sap like me than this is the perfect book for you! Eleanor is shy and quietly outgoing. She is brilliant but doesn’t show it, unless you get to know her. If you get one glance at Eleanor you would not be able to take your eyes off of her, and not in a good way. She dresses in crazy clothes with scarfs tied to her wrists and a huge head of …show more content…

He takes taekwondo and can defend himself if he has to. He has a normal life with his mom, dad, and brother and is relatively ordinary, that is until he let Eleanor sit with him on the bus. He noticed Eleanor reading his comic on the bus one morning, after Eleanor decided it was now her seat too, and made sure that they were in the same spot when he got on that afternoon so they could pick up where they left off. He was confused as to why he cared, but and when Eleanor went to get off the bus he handed the comic to her for her to read and that was the first interaction between the …show more content…

Everyone at school finds their realtionship to be a new source of amusement and Parks parents are dissapointed in Park’s girlfriend, they are thrown off by her crazy style. As for Eleanor’s, well they think all that time she is spending out of the house is at her “friend” Tina’s place, her biggest bullie, while she is over at Park’s. Park and Eleanor are falling more and morr in love by the second and you can definitly sence it. They always want to be together and see eachother but her step-dad scares her. She is not afraid of what he will do to her, what is he do, gonna kick her out again?, but she is afraid of what he will do to her mom and younger siblings. Eleanor tries desperatly to keep her and Parks a relationship a secret for everyones sake, and it works, for a while, but when Richie figures out what she is doing he goes balistic. He goes into Eleanor’s room and tears everything apart, all of her comics and belongings are littering the floor of her timy room that she shares with all of her siblings. Eleanor is fo scared she dioesnt know what to do so she runs. she is going to Park’s house when Tina and her friends stop her and bringher into their garage. Eleanor is so terified the she keeps looking out for Richie. Park comes over and brings Eleanor to his house and tells her to wait in the truck. He

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