Muslim Women Stereotypes

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Do your parents force you to wear the hijab? Aren’t you allowed to choose whom you want to marry? Is there anything you do because of your free will or does anyone oppress you? These questions are some of many a Muslim woman heard at least two times in her life. Nowadays Muslims and especially Muslim women are faced with many stereotypes caused by media, Hollywood, books and other sources. This essay deals with some stereotypes and about how Muslims really are. All opinions are mine and based on my and my friends' daily lives.

The major believe today’s society has, is that women are oppressed by their family and by other people in their environment. For the society, women are victims of Islam. People also think that they are uneducated and do not know which rights they have. Nowadays media shows the hijab - a headscarf - as a symbol of the oppression towards Muslim women. Even if there are those prejudices, the hijab does not hinder women from achieving what they want. In Islam, women have the same rights as men and can live their life the way they want to. Wearing the hijab is a commandment of God. As well as Muslims have to pray five times a day, support the needy, have to fast the month of Ramadan and to pilgrim to Makkah, Muslim women have to wear the hijab. It rather protects women from the man’s gaze and leads them to …show more content…

The prejudices of the society towards Muslims have a negative impact on their daily lives. As a Muslim, you have the feeling of a second-class citizen, even if you were born in the country you are living. It is hard to find a job because job interviewers rather want to see a woman who is unveiled instead of one with a hijab. Strangers are insulting you in the streets and say phrases like “Go back to your Homeland” or “I don’t want terrorists like you in my

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