Murder Of Innocence In Joe Lansdale's The Answers

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Murder of Innocence Do you remember when it happened? Do you remember when the innocence of childhood began to fade away only to be replaced by some hard truths of adulthood? It can be argued that Harry Crane can. The book, "The Bottoms" written by Joe Lansdale is a riveting whodunit mystery, narrated by an elderly Harry Crane who is reminiscing from his bed at a nursing home. Harry takes us back to when he was a twelve year old boy living in the racially charged east Texas town of Marvel Creek. A series of tragic events are starting to take place and the world he once knew begins to unravel. The story begins when he and his younger sister Tom find the body of a mutilated, murdered black woman, the first of many murders Harry deals with during the story. However, while this story is written in the genre of suspense and mystery, it can be argued that there is also a very strong sub-plot of the coming of age story that reads as loud as the suspense in "The Bottoms". …show more content…

Things like looking at nudie cards to making mental notes that Mr. Smootes slutty daughter, Mary Jean is an easy lay. Harry starts to have feeling for the opposite sex that confuse, excite and terrify him. An example of this can be seen when Harry describes how he just wants to get away from Mrs. Louise Canerton during her Halloween party because as Harry puts it, "She was making me feel funny, her face close to mine, her breath sweet as a hot peach pie. I had grown warm and itchy all over." (123). Later that night he reminisces about the swell of her bosom and how her dress fit her in all the right places. Many readers may agree that there is almost nothing more awkward and confusing in becoming an adult then the beginnings of ones own realization of sex and sexual

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