Multiple Sclerosis Analysis

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Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease. It is a chronic and disabling disease of the brain and central nervous system (the spinal cord). An autoimmune disorder is a disorder caused by the reaction of an individual’s immune system against the organs and tissues of the body. In MS, “when a certain part of the myelin sheath (nerve cover) is inflamed and damaged, transfer of impulses through neutrons, is disturbed, slow or intermittent" (Tanovis, Vrabac, Kadic, Rama, Tanovic, 2014). This means that when the immune system continuously attacks the protective covers over nerves it causes communication problems between the brain and the rest of the body. And eventually the nerves become permanently damaged or deteriorates. Most MS patients …show more content…

It all depends on an individual's symptoms and the length and duration of relapses (attacks) and remission (period where the disease exhibits no …show more content…

Fifteen to 20% of patients will have a progressive course from the onset. There is significant interpatient variability in prognosis. The main diagnostic criteria are clinical, supported by investigations including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and lumbar puncture and evoked potentials"(Tsang, B. K. -., & MacDonnell, R. (2011). The disease is treated first with modifying agents for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis which include Interferon-B and glatiramer. First relapses are treated with intravenous methylprednisolone for 3 days. Symptoms that may prove bothersome are pain, fatigue, tremors, depression, spasticity (rigidity in muscles causing stiffness and restriction of movement), erectile dysfunction and

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