The Severe Disease Known as Multiple Sclerosis

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In the world of neurology, there are a vast amount of neurological disorders, conditions, and diseases. One severe disease is known as Multiple Sclerosis. In this research essay, I will be discussing what multiple sclerosis is, symptoms, causes, personal experience, and treatments. M.S., as some would call it, also known as multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease. This disease, in particular, could also be viewed as an autoimmune disorder. It is not nearly as fatal as the sexually transmitted disease (AIDS), yet it can be just as debilitating. What exactly is Multiple Sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis is a disease in which the immune system malfunctions and begins to attack the myelin sheath. The myelin sheath is an insulating cover around the nerves. Myelin provides the nervous system with communication signals. Once the myelin starts to deteriorate, the signals providing specific voluntary movements become distorted. After the self-involuntary damage, scarring begins to form thus concluding the term, sclerosis. Why does this self-inflicted deconstruction of the myelin occur? Multiple sclerosis is said to have genetic and environmental factors to its cause. Malnutrition and free radicals can all trigger a dormant M.S. gene in a person. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, What Causes MS, studies say that “Growing evidence suggests that vitamin D plays an important role. People who live closer to the equator are exposed to greater amounts of sunlight year-round. As a result, they tend to have higher levels of naturally-produced vitamin D.” In fact, vitamin D holds specific immune strengthening qualities. Make it a priority to remain nourished, keeping your immune system at optimal strength, thus preventing pos... ... middle of paper ... ... disappeared. Tysabri is the new medication my father takes but he plans to end his use of medication. He wants to start eating healthy, drop forty pounds and slowly exercise again. My father accepts it and he has become even stronger, more optimistic and positive of a future without Multiple Sclerosis. It is clear that Multiple Sclerosis is a dreadful disease. Its multiple variations not only induce neurological debilitation but it can also bring about other disorders. Unfortunately, a cure hasn’t been created yet but medications and a healthy lifestyle can make the victim’s life much easier. Works Cited Jr, Locicero Anthony, Interview on Multiple Sclerosis, Staten Island, New York May 12th, 2014, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, What Causes MS 2014 George Krucik, MD, MBA Early, Healthline Editorial Team, Signs of Multiple Sclerosis, January 25, 2013,

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