Mull And Specials: Book Analysis

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Two of my favorite books are The Shadow Plague by Brandon Mull and Specials by Scott Westerfeld. The Shadow Plague and Specials are both the third book in their series Fablehaven and Uglies. In both books there are multiple main characters. Specials has Tally-wa and Shay-la who are “Specials” called “Cutters” and are meant to keep the “Prettys” and “Uglies” from leaving New Pretty Town and Uglyville. Also there is Zane-wa who was crippled and David, who was born and raised an Ugly. Tally-wa fights feelings for both boys, thinking it is wrong. On the other hand The Shadow Plague has Kendra Sorenson, the handmaiden to the Fairy Queen. Kendra can speak most magical languages fluently and according to magical creatures she “shines brightly.” Gavin

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