Muhammad's Wife

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Throughout Muhammad’s lifetime, he had about a dozen wives. Muhammad’s wives become more important as Muslim women become more important to discuss throughout Islam, and especially when looking at the pious, female role, given to Khadija. This essay will focus on the book The lives of Muhammad by Kecia Ali on the one chapter of the Wife of Muhammad. There will be a further discussion on the role of Khadija and her significance to Muhammad, Muhammad’s marriages, and different perspectives and views from other biographers and authors of Muhammad because of his marriages. To begin, Khadija was Muhammad’s first wife, and she played a significant role in his life. She was present in many turning points of Muhammad’s life: his first marriage, his becoming a father, his prophetic commission, and in being the first to accept Islam. Khadija’s ability to comfort and support Muhammad throughout his life journey is what made her so significant and a “perfect match” for him. One can imagine how hard it was for the prophet Muhammad after Khadija’s death. Khadija and Abu Talib (the prophet's uncle) had died in the same year making it even harder …show more content…

Western author W. Montgomery Watt hypothesizes that after the loss of Muhammad’s faithful wife, he was compelled “to be more self-reliant, and that may have been necessary for the ultimate success of the religious movement.” What he claims is that the remarriage was less for “spiritual companionship” than political reasons. Western writers began to write about Muhammad leading to a focus of polygamy, which became an institution in the Muslim world. It is one thing to suggest such practice has no place in modern Muslim societies, yet another to associate it to the deeds of the

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