Mr Wickham Pride And Prejudice

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Mr. Wickham is a man that desires to climb the social ladders. He knows that the key to a high social status is money, and he has made it his mission to receive this money. Initially he tries to obtain money through the father of Mr. Darcy after he passes away. However, Mr. Darcy does not give the money to Mr. Wickham because he did not complete his father’s wishes, which is the only way he could collect the money. Mr. Wickham moves on to a different tactic: marriage. He has his eyes set on Georgiana. “...he so far recommended himself to Georgiana, whose affectionate heart retained a strong impression of his kindness to her as a child, that she was persuaded to believe herself in love, and to consent to an elopement.” (137) In Mr. Darcy’s eyes it is evident that there is no other reason Mr. Wickham could want to marry Georgiana other than money. …show more content…

Wickham’s chief object was unquestionably my sister’s fortune” (137) Georgiana does come to her senses and feels that she would be doing her family an injustice by marrying into a lower social class and eloping, so she denies Mr. Wickham’s hand in marriage. Mr. Darcy keeps this event secret so he can protect Georgiana’s image, therefore protecting her social standing. Wickham makes a wise unintentional move and carries on to Lydia. From the Bennet’s perspective it appears that all hope is lost for their reputation when Lydia runs away with Wickham. When receiving this news from Jane, Elizabeth expresses her grief to Mr. Darcy, “They are gone off together from Brighton. You know him too well to doubt the rest. She has no money, no connections, nothing that can tempt him to--she is lost forever.” (185). The Bennet’s anxiously await any news from Lydia, and they expect the worst. However, thanks to Mr. Darcy and his money, Wickham and Lydia get married. Mr. Darcy saves the Bennet’s from public humiliation, and perhaps he does this in part to protect

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