Mr Smith Goes To Washington Essay

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In the 1939 film, Mr.Smith Goes to Washington, the filmmaker gives a distinct contrast between the idealized and assumed morality of American patriotism and the reality of the corruption that can be found within the political machines of the government. As seen in this film, the human desire for money and power is often a drive that individuals within the government cannot help but clasp onto. For example, Clarissa Saunders proclaims that she is only in her job for “money and a new suit of clothes,” Joseph Paine elects Smith as a way to remain in control of the Senate and to remain connected to the power source of Jim Taylor, and the political machine Jim Taylor attempts to influence Senate to push a bill through that will continue to increase the power of his own monopoly. However, when Jefferson …show more content…

By being in Washington, he feels a strong sense to emulate the historical value to fight for and help the American people. Smith, therefore, immediately begins writing a bill for a National Boys Camp to benefit boys across the country to learn simple life skills. By doing so, Smith does not simply look out for his own needs (e.g. his own wealth and power), but for the needs of others. Therefore, such characteristics of Smith are the complete opposite of those around him. As a result, Smith becomes are victim to the abuse of power by his fellow senator Joseph Paine and the political machine of Jim Taylor. Smith and his bill is seen as a threat and he is consequently wrongfully accused in an effort by Taylor and Paine to not lose their deathly grip on their selfish control. However, in the end, Paine cannot continue to live his life of selfish advancement and cannot bare to see Smith suffer any longer. As a way to pacify Smith’s sufferings and his own internal sufferings, Paine ends up confessing his part in pushing the graft of the

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