Mozart's Monologue

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On the drive home from Scott’s birthday bash, the night’s events blitz my brain. What in the hell possessed me to bring up Elizabeth? Not that I regret it, I don’t. His secret festered inside me. I had to blow the top off his story. Or go crazy harboring it. I blame the tequila shots on my loose lips. Oh how it gave me false bravado. What the consequences will be are yet to be determined. He may not want to read my copy if necessary. Or have me read his manuscript either. Minutes from home, my brain scrambles to get my story straight before I walk through the front door. More than anything, I need to calm down. I switch on the radio to the classical station. Whatever composer I’m listening to does the trick. Maybe it’s Mozart. I’m no expert, …show more content…

I hesitated to give up my apartment. I had always been self-reliant and independent. In retrospect, it was a big mistake. I appreciated and respected, but had felt no great passion with is crazy. Dammit. I should break up with him. He deserves better and so do I. I’d been suffocating for a while. Before my mother’s accident, I was mulling over an exit plan. One that would be not hurtful for Doug and that made sense. The problem was I didn’t have a full-time job to pay for an apartment. Roommates were never my thing. I liked living alone. Sure Graydon showed up when I stayed with my mother. But I can’t blame him for wanting to leave Doug. What he did was reawaken my desire for something more. And now, despite the complications with Graydon, I can’t shut it down again. First thing in the office, I drop by Zack’s to show him the latest revisions to my brochure. He’s ready to do a revised mockup when he gets Simon’s approval to go ahead. I speak with Amanda about the next steps with the Athletic Wear Company. “No meeting scheduled yet to meet with the client,” she says, and our conversation ends. Weird how all my worry about juggling two accounts was for nil. I’m caught up and in a holding pattern with nothing to do. So I go out to lunch

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