Movie choice

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In this movie it takes plae in Iran after Betty Mahmoody’s husband has lost his job at the hospital.Moody ( Betty’s husband) has claimed that he was fired because they can find someone who will work for less and they don’t want an Iranian there.They see him as a treat in the hospital so he takes off with his family to his home country Iran.It was only suppose to be a 2 week vacation but it lasted longer than that.Moody was sucked back into his Iranian culture while Betty and their daughter Mahtob wanted to leave there as fast as they could. In this Iranian culture the wife had no parental control and she had to listen to the husband or the man of the house.Going against Moody’s orders she would get abused or didn’t see Mahtob for weeks.She seeks help from many women in the area until she finds her an Iranian man who gets her a rout out of Iran to Turkey to get to the American embassy because the Swedish embassy couldn’t do anything for her.Thus, she gets home to see her dying father.
To me the theme of the movie is there is always a way.Betty has endured many hardships.During her time in Iran Moody has really changed.He used to be a sweet loving husband that took Mahtob places.After reuniting with his family in Iran he started to absorb the culture he once left behind.His parents were very religious and took the law very seriously.She wasn’t allowed to use the phone in the house or going somewhere without him knowing about it.It was like Moody was drenched with power in Iran.When Betty was trying to escape such circumstances she went to the Swedish embassy.They told her that when you marry and Iranian you automatically become an iranian citizen.Also that if she wanted to leave she would have to leave her daughter but, she wasn’...

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... people or cultures are diffrent doesn’t mean you can base them off of things of the unknown.From these two we are suppose to learn to accept cultural diffrence or at least try to.In the movie Betty wasn’t capable of accepting the culture because it was too diffrent from what she is used to so she fled while in the book you can see how variations of the situation changed from John Howard Griffin changing from black to white.
I beleive this was a very inpowering movie on how this women Betty Mahmoody escaped captivity from her husband with her daughter Mahtob.I actually wouldn’t want to be in her shoes because i beleive that’s a situation my emotional state wouldn’t be able to handle.THis was very good to see how she at least tried to adapt to the culture instead of rejecting in completely.The is a very strong women and I’m pretty sure there is more of her out there.

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