Movie Review: Movie Analysis Of The Movie The Help

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Millions of people feel oppressed, neglected, and mistreated all across this nation. And this is not 100 years ago that all these people feel this way, minorities feel this way currently. The film The Help is a beautiful production that expresses the neglect minorities, specifically black maids, had to go through back in the 1960’s in Mississippi. This film takes an extensive look into the lives’ of African American maids that work for white families during the time Jim Crow Laws were still in place. The film The Help reflects America's pastime just as much as it reveals America’s current time, oppression against minorities; this is shown in the film by the context, production options, and the overall message or theme of the movie to learn …show more content…

The film The Help may be a gut wrenching movie to watch for some people because of just how terrible the black maids were treated by their white families. But the film is expressing this just as accurately has it really was, the context is the same has it is in the movie as it was in real life. One of the famous sayings back in that time was “separate but equal”; this may seem appealing at first, but when actually put in use it was everything but equal. Evidence of this in the movie is when Aibileen, one of the maids, is not allowed to use the nice air conditioned bathroom inside, but has to use the hot, sweaty, stinky porta potty outside. Hilly Holbrook states, “They carry different diseases than we do, that’s why I drafted the Home Health Sanitation Invitation. A disease-preventative bill that requires every white home to have a separate …show more content…

Since there isn’t much debate about the context and production options about the film, the one thing left for debate is the theme. The theme of the film is the only thing that could be different, based off other people's opinions. One of the opposing themes of this film is that literacy and writing can change the world. This opposing theme is not necessarily wrong, it’s just not the best theme for this given film. It is true that literacy and writing can change the world. If this movie was about Martin Luther King Jr. then that could be a possible theme. But since this film strongly emphasizes the love like relation between the maids and children, and the hate like relationship between the maids and the house owners; the theme learn to love and not hate fits this film

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