Mothers Lack Attention During Childbirth Essay

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The United States has the highest maternal mortality rates within developed countries. Does the lack of attention or the lack of access to healthcare cause maternal deaths within the United States? Maternal patients make their best argument for the cause of maternal mortality rates within the United States when they say, mothers lack attention during childbirth.

Proponents believe that there is a greater focus on fetal and infant safety during childbirth than on the mother’s health. According to ProPublica and NPR's reporting, there has been a great emphasize of fetal care as an assumption has been made over the years that maternal mortality has been conquered. Barbara Levy, a member of Council on Patient Safety in Women's Health Care, stated that during childbirth they worry a lot about the little babies because they’re vulnerable. “Meanwhile, we don't pay enough attention to those things that can be catastrophic for women,"(Barbara Levy) which shows that the mothers during childbirth are at risk as not enough attention is provided to them because doctors and nurse believe the baby is more vulnerable.

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Lauren Bloomstein, a neonatal nurse and her husband, a doctor were expecting a girl on September 30th 2011. On that day the couple drove down to Monmouth Medical Center, where she had spent her entire career. Lauren figured that, “If anyone would watch out for her and her would be the doctors and nurses she worked with on a daily basis.” Her deliver went great, but 90 minutes later she told her husband she wasn’t feeling well. After twenty hours of delivering her baby, she was dead. Her husband stated, “Lauren's ob/gyn and nurses had failed to recognize a textbook case of one of the most common complications of pregnancy — not once, but repeatedly over two days,” showing how the lack of attention Lauren received caused her

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