Mother Home Sociology

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With all of the information and studies that have been done, there are still many families that need a dual income household to support their family. This is truly a shame, since there have been so many studies done thus far, showing just how important it is to have a mother home with the children, at least until age five. There are definitely ways to stretch a dollar and pinch pennies so that it may be more feasible for mothers to stay home with children. When a mother is home with her child all day, or after school, it is easier to regulate what children eat, listen to, read, watch, and friend choices. Twenty hours of maternal work, on average, during elementary school years is associated with 2.3 percentile points higher BMI and a 2.2 percentage …show more content…

That is staggering to know that just by being home, there is a way to cut this percentage. Religious groups, such as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have a certain standard that is adhered to. It is believed that men and women have certain roles in the family, and that that of a woman’s role is to nurture the children. Through this church, it is also believed that Satan’s main goal is the breakdown of the family. Isn’t that what society is trying to do now? Not only is society making women feel like less of a member and implying that by staying home she is less of a contributor to family finances, but also society says that women should be in the workforce, even if after just having a child. In turn, families that have a mother who works outside of the home, start to think less of …show more content…

Articles in the last ten years have begun stating that it just doesn’t matter whether a child comes home to a mother or goes to a childcare facility. These same articles have started saying that a working parent has no ill effect on their child, but that is wrong. Articles that are from a less politically correct driven time, show the statistics over and over again. These articles show test scores, behavioral issues, obesity ratings that are all correlating with maternal work patterns. Test scores in an article printed by Ann Milne, show that test scores in high school children are significantly lower with children that have full time working mothers. Some would say that a tutor can be hired to fix this situation, but that would just be more work to afford said tutor, and less time with the child. Some children may not perform as well in an environment that is unsafe feeling, not home, and therefore may not ask certain questions to help one to understand better. Not to mention, when a mother can help the child to understand something better, there is a mutual respect for one another that happens between the two. The child gains respect for the mother, as well as the mother for the child for working through the

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