Morals Vs. Selfishness

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One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is not a book about a superhuman. It is not a story about someone who is weaker and more desperate than everyone else. It is not a tale of greatness, nor is it about extraordinary faults. Instead, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn chose to center his story around Ivan denisovich Shukhov, an average, unnoticeable Russian prisoner.
Shukhov is a likeable and yet somewhat naïve fellow who is just like everybody else. In fact, what really makes this book remarkable is not Shukhov himself. What makes it special is that, even though at first glance the story may seem to be about Shukhov, it is actually a tale of events and common occurrences that could happen to anyone. The book is not just a detail of one day in the life of Ivan, it is a relatable story of what could happen to anyone shoved into a Russian prison camp. Ivan’s life in the book is shown to be nothing more than a picture of the thousands of lives that were lost or destroyed in the Stalinist camps. Ivan Denisovich Shukhov is not one character, Ivan Denisovich Shukhov is the picture of “anyman.” Using the depiction of the beliefs, hopes, and need to survive that would arise in a common prisoner Solzhenitsyn creates a story of the victory of humane principles over corruption.
Solzhenitsyn uses many techniques and skills in his book to portray an accurate representation of “anyman.” The first of these is Shukov’s meager means of endurance. In the book there are many prisoners and workers in the camp and they are all connected by one thing: the need for survival. Of course, there is no one way to survive and as the people in the camp live out their days in prison they must each figure out how they will endure.
First, the camp’s “free” workers m...

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...ry over the common traitor, the one who is willing to give over his mates. In the very beginning of the story it is said that in camp “The first to go is the guy who… squeals to the screws. (2)”
Throughout the book Solzhenitsyn uses the portrayal of the common prisoner, the man with average desires, views and means of survival, to show how civil values are victorious over evil. To show how the person who wins the small victories is not the person who lets go of his disciplines and drops to a place where nothing and no one matters except themselves. To show how the person who will make it through the night without having their throat cut is the one who holds on to their mental constitution. They will be the ones who get the extra cigars and the friends who will help them in times of need. The book is truly a story of victory; the victory of morals over selfishness.

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