Moral Views on Abortion and Euthanasia

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Moral Views on Abortion and Euthanasia

The argument of the sanctity of life lies at the heart of all ethical

debates on embryo experiments, abortion and euthanasia. In 1967, a

nationwide debate was instigated in Britain, regarding whether

abortion was a violation of the sanctity of life. Pro-life groups were

angered by the legalisation of abortion, many believing that abortion

was to destroy a sacred gift from God. Pro-choice groups, on the other

hand, welcomed the reform, as they believed women should have the

freedom to decide what is best for themselves.

The debate continues today, and these groups have not subsided with

their vigorous, vivid, and, at times, violent campaigns.

To attribute sanctity to a life – as opposed to value, is to ‘connect

it with a deity’ [1]. It is of ultimate importance, as the value of

life exceeds all other values. Life is a sacred gift from God,

according to the Christian Church, so is therefore holy, and is set

apart from everything else. It is argued that the human race is

obliged to preserve or protect anything that is alive. This is where

the question of sanctity of life as a moral absolute is raised.

Someone who is an atheist can not believe in the sanctity of life as

they do not believe in God. Therefore, those who argue sanctity of

life is a moral absolute are religious. This is important to

acknowledge, as it means that those who may enter into this ethical

debate, are split into religious and non-religious groups. Therefore,

opinions and beliefs are very different, which has resulted in the

difficulty of these groups compromising in any way.

Alasdair Macintyre suggested an imagin...

... middle of paper ...

...fficult, circumstances.


[1] Oxford dictionary definition.

[2] Macintyre, Alasdair. ‘After Virtue’.


[4] Luke 1:41

[5] Jeremiah 1:5

[6] St. Augustine. ‘De Libero Arbitrio, Book I’.

[7] Bowie, Robert. ‘Ethical Studies, 2nd Edition’.

[8] Arkes, H. ‘First Things’.

[9] Didache. (obtained from

[10] M.M. Azamis. ‘Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature’.

[11] Thompson, Judith Jarvis. ‘A defence of Abortion’.

[12] Glover, Jonathan. ‘Causing Death and Saving Lives’.

[13] Bowie, Robert. ‘Ethical Studies, 2nd Edition’.

[14] Knight, Jill. House of Commons debate, 1966.

[15] Bentham, Jeremy. ‘An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and


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