Moral Morality And Morality

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The study of what morality is and what it requires of us is moral philosophy, there are many theories. Throughout this chapter “What Is Morality?” it talks about handicapped children, including Baby Theresa, Jody and Mary, and Tracy Latimer. Baby Theresa had anencephaly, where the cerebrum and cerebellum are missing, but the brain stem is still there, she can still breathe and has a heartbeat. Then there were Jodie and Mary, twins that join together at the lower abdomen, their spines joined, and they only had one heart and one pair of lungs between the two of them. Lastly, there was Tracy Latimer, she suffered from cerebral palsy, a condition that has to do with muscle coordination. Baby Theresa 's story is different from other babies that suffer from anencephaly because her parents knew that she did not have long to live and would not become …show more content…

They did not follow through with what the parents ask because a Florida law states you can’t remove organs until the donor is dead. Although it would be sad to kill Baby Theresa to give her organs away, I would agree with her parents and physicians because she does not have long to live and will never be conscious so why not take the good organs and give them to another baby that could live. Ethicist disagreed with the parents and the physician because they said “it’s wrong to use people as means to other people’s ends”, they are saying by taking her organs you would be using her to help other people 's children. When you’re using somebody it means to violate their autonomy, Baby Theresa has no autonomy so there’s no way to violate it. People can’t always decide for themselves, when she could not decide for herself you need to think “what would be in her best interest?” either way Baby Theresa would die so there’s really not a best interest for her. Ethicists also said “it 's wrong to kill one person to save another”, if you killed Baby Theresa to

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