Montag's Use Of Apathy Quotes In Fahrenheit 451

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Apathy is defined as a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. This generation is lacking apathy, as we do not care about others. Our society is obsessed with, and utterly focused on ourselves. We just use people for information, and then we keep moving forward. In Fahrenheit 451, the people are shown as only seeking this individual pleasure in the forms of technology like televisions and radios. Citizens are unconcerned about war and important information. They are too caught up in their own personal lives to be busy with things that affect everyone else. This book is all about what could happen to a completely apathetic society. Only some people like Montag, truly understand and realize that in order to break this constant state of lacking emotion, you need to walk and ask questions, and think deeply about things around you. One of the reasons Montag started to realize that this society was becoming apathetic was because of Beatty. Beatty was using reverse psychology to help, and make Montag aware of the fact …show more content…

If we make people become aware about this growing issue, maybe they will start to notice it more and take action. When someone draws something to your attention, you start to take more action and notice towards it. If our society becomes aware of the lack of apathy, maybe people will start to become concerned about things, and begin to become passionate as well. The topic of apathy is so relevant to society today, because everyone is involved with how many likes they get on a post, or who texted them back that they really do not stop to think. We need to be bothered, be concerned about something. When humans get stressed we immediately resort to our phones to distract us, so we truly never feel concerned about something. I think that if we start to pay attention to how much we stay on our phones, and no engage we will start to become more self conscious and

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