Monologue In Gone Girl

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In Gone Girl, anger is mainly derived by many reasons and one of the main reasons is deception and manipulation. This main factor drives protagonists to their breaking point where their anger speaks loudly. Using interior monologue literary technique throughout the first and second half of the book, Flynn reveals more about their hidden anger as they boil inside without showing it. Interior monologue is defined to be: Monologue comes from Greek word monos means alone and logos means speech. It is a literary device, which is the speech or verbal presentation that a single character presents in order to express his/her collection of thoughts and ideas aloud. Often this character addresses directly to audience or another character. The mono thoughts are obvious in Amy's diary that intends to manipulate readers to think that Nick is guilty. Both Amy and Nick use first person narration in their storytelling process and it highly reveals their anger that they kept inside for most of their miserable marriage years. “People love talking, and I have never been a huge talker I carry on an inner monologue, but the words often don't reach my lips. (100)". Amy makes it obvious in this previous quote about how suppressed her emotions are that might be even since her …show more content…

Applying this to Flynn's Amy, It is clear that she suffers the same disorder that makes her eager to punish other people and especially Nick thinking that she is always right not matter how messed up her actions are. As a comparison, In Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Captain Ahab is obsessed with seeking revenge on the great white whale and keeps chasing it, Moby Dick. His long struggle with the whale in the heat of the sea results in the death and destruction of the entire crew except for one person who tells story. The idea of seeking revenge brings destruction and would even lead to losing

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