Monologue From Lord Of The Flies Short Story

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Saint Michael the Archangel High School

Based on The Lord of the Flies

Makayla Brooks
English II
Sr. Mary Andre
October 30th, 2017 The sun fell behind the horizon, and the sky became dark, as I climbed my way to the top of Castle Rock. The air around me was growing thicker with each breath of cold mountain air I took into my lungs. I wasn’t far from the original place Jack had built the signal fire when I noticed the hair on my nape feel cold with the breeze fluttering over my neck and collar.

It was an eerie feeling, almost of being watched. I felt vulnerable to the world around me, although small, the island felt enormous. The sun had fallen, and the mountain was black with a cloud of darkness over it. Air penetrated my lungs as I gasped at the sight of an adult for the first time in what seemed like forever, …show more content…

He had his bruised, slender legs over the edge of the cliff where the late Piggy had previously fallen to his tragic and untimely death.

The man hesitated before answering me, his lips began to move, and I heard His voice; it was orotund, and the words He spoke were so sonorous that I felt lifted hearing His voice. Angelic even. His voice echoed,
“Hello, Jack.”
Misty-eyed, I fell to the ground, and the tears began to roll down my cheeks leaving the taste of salt on my cracked lips. The man stood up; I continued to weep in his presence until His hand graced my head, he spoke again but more calming,
“Dry your eyes, my son.”
I wiped my face, and he proceeded to speak,
“I want you to tell the other boys a message from Me.”
I nodded in acknowledgment, and he

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