Monkeypox Research Paper

508 Words2 Pages

Monkeypox is a rare, viral disease. It mostly occurs in Africa, in the Central and Western rainforests. It is a common disease in rodents, such as mice and squirrels. However, there have been some outbreaks in the United States. The name Monkeypox comes from when the virus was found in laboratory monkeys in 1958. This was the first time the virus had ever been discovered in any species. Monkeypox was found in humans for the first time in 1970. Monkeypox is caused by the Monkeypox Virus. There was one outbreak in the United States in June of 2003. There was a shipment of rare pets, known as the Gambian rats, which had come in. The rodents then infected prairie dogs that were sold as pets. The people that were reported as infected had been …show more content…

It belongs to the variola virus group. The symptoms of Monkeypox are quite similar to the ones of smallpox, however; they are much milder. The symptoms are not as deadly as those of smallpox. Swelling of the lymph nodes, fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and nausea will occur approximately twelve days after you are infected. One to three days after you develop a fever you will acquire a rash. The rash will consist of raised bumps filled with fluid. These bumps will go through many stages before they become crusty, scab over, and fall over. The symptoms for the virus last around two to four weeks. Monkeypox is transmitted through direct contact with an infected animal. This means that if someone is bitten by an infected animal they will also become infected. They can also become infected by touching the blood, body fluids, or the rash of a contaminated. The virus can also be spread from person to person. A person can become infected if they are in contact with large respiratory droplets from someone that has the virus. Additionally, they can become infected if they have face to face contact, if they touch the bodily fluids, the bedding or the clothing of a

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