Monique's Arm-Personal Narrative

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The time I broke Monique’s arm. Everyone has a story, some people have too many if you asked me, but one story had always sticks with me. Monique and I were standing next to a gigantic leafy tree hoping that the sub teacher wouldn’t make us run laps in the scorching hot weather. After running 4 laps we were exhausted, the teacher forgot about us and decided to run the humongous oval with the rest of the students. To make this boring, useless class a little bit more interesting, I started telling Monique that I’m an actual ninja. I exclaimed with excellent “Can I show you this really cool ninja/karate kid flip”. I might of bend the truth a smidge. I wasn’t a ninja, but I did do marshal arts 4 years ago, so I didn’t exactly lie. I remember little Victoria on the sticky …show more content…

I would wear this baggy judo uniform and jump around screaming and laughing my head off. I remember 7 year old me nearly breaking someone’s arm, that’s a little ironic. “ Yeah sure, are you going to hurt me?” Monique replied with hesitation. “ No, I would never hurt you,” I assured her as I grabbed her small, precious arm and pulled her away from the dangerous tree roots. Monique with 100% trust in me exclaimed, ” go on flip me.” She was so tranquil, which made me more nervous. I was panicking, my though dried up and I was starting to reconsider flipping her. I had a million thoughts, what if I hurt her, why does she trust me so much? ”Victoria, Victoria!”, Monique screamed. “ Yeah sorry!” I reply with hesitation. I pulled a confident face and started counting down, “ 3, 2, 1”. I grabbed her shaking arm and flipped her over my head into the air. Time stopped at that moment, Monique’s face turned from calmed and collected to scared and surprised in an instance. “Bang” she fell on the muddle, and rough ground. “ARGHHHH”, screamed Monique, from the excruciating pain. “It hurts”, she yelled while laying still on the grey grass

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