Molly Kate Kestner's Song 'His Daughter'

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“His Daughter” by Molly Kate Kestner is about a girl who’s abusive father walks out (leaves) her mother and her. Her coping skills weren’t good for her to deal with her emotions, causing her to stumble into depression. She asked God for help because she was struggling and she also made a mistake at a party, leading to her to become a mother. As she prayed to God each night for help, she realized later in life that God’s help and love was in the form of her son. The changes the girl in the girl in the song is experiencing is her father leaving, her mental health turned to the worse, she had a child in her teen years or early twenties, and in the end she found God. The emotions that came from these changes are sadness, love, and pleading/asking for help. There’s multiple emotions that shine through the lyrics of Kestner’s song, but the most prominent emotions are sadness, love, and pleading out/asking for help. In the lyrics of the song it states, “And tried to act strong; Oh, broken hearts and scars in only places she could see.” Kestner is speaking about the girl in the song puts on a masquerade of happiness to others when she really alone inside. Also, it says how she fell into depression and self-harm because of all of the people who hurt her. Next, she loved her son greatly …show more content…

Also, she made a mistake at a party, leading to her giving birth to a baby boy, which gives a feeling of love. Lastly, when she found God, or before she found Him, there is a feeling of pleading out/asking for help. The song is about a girl who has a troubling past and people make it worse for her she falls into a bad state, causing her to make a mistake, which is becoming pregnant. She pleads for God to help and when she’s about to die she knows that God did help her through her

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