Mojave Desert Research Paper

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Habitat loss and Degradation Roughly half of the Mojave Desert remains as intact habitat, and the remaining half has not been heavily altered by human activity. The main reasons for habitat loss in the region include urbanization and suburbanization from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. There is an increasing demand for landfill space, agricultural development along the Colorado River, grazing, off road vehicles, and military activities. A falling water table also threatens the Mojave Desert. Vehicles run over, and sometimes ruin animals homes. Development is destroying the environments. People are building on top of animals homes and polluting the area. Some of the desert area is being used for landfills. Every living thing needs somewhere to live, find food, and …show more content…

A particular ecosystem is home to a number of species and as these begin to go into a rapid decline following the loss of their habitat, a more aggressive species might take the opportunity and move in. Interviewer Brian Todd said- ‘‘ Growing pressure to develop public lands for renewable energy production places several protected species at increased risk of habitat loss. One example is the Mojave desert tortoise, a species often at the center of conflicts over public land development. For this species and others on public lands, a better understanding of their habitat needs can help minimize negative impacts and facilitate protection or restoration of habitat. We used radio-telemetry to track 46 neonate and juvenile tortoises in the Eastern Mojave Desert, California, USA, to quantify habitat at tortoise locations and paired random points to assess habitat selection. Tortoise locations near burrows were more likely to be under canopy cover and had greater coverage of perennial plants, more coverage by washes, a greater number of small-mammal burrows, and fewer white bursage than random points. Active tortoise locations away from burrows were closer to washes and perennial

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