Module 11 Case Study Answers

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1. I chose to avoid the situation because Erin was very mad at amber for breaking her promise. I think that if she called amber she would have said something to her that she would regret later on because she did not know how to communicate her feelings to Amber. 2. Noise is anything that interferes with the message being interpreted as it is intended is called noise. I see noise in the case study when Erin calls amber and yells at her and tells her how hurt and angry she is. I believe noise could have played a role in the three sisters because even though Erin told amber not to say anything to Sarah amber knew they all shared secrets so she didn’t see it as a problem. So I believe because amber knew they shared every secret that it interfered with the message being misunderstood. I believe that these are psychological noise. 3. …show more content…

Some of the mistakes in terms of emotions and communication between amber and Erin are, when Erin yell at amber and tells her how angry she is. When amber tells Erin’s secret to Sarah. Amber is upset that Erin’s is mad at her for telling her mom when she did not tell her. Amber couldn’t couldn’t resist to tell Sarah about Erin’s tattoo. 4. The name of the other mode of communication is called electronically meditated communication (emc). The disadvantages are its harder to communicate her feelings to amber. Erin bottles up her emotions, so amber doesn’t really know how she is feeling. They can hide things from each other. The family will never know how upset Erin really is. 5. Self-esteem is defined as a feeling of having respect for yourself and your abilities. Self-concept is defined as the idea that you have about the kind of person you are. Erin’s self-esteem changed because she decides to avoid amber and vows not to tell amber any close secrets. Her self-concept changed because she cannot trust amber anymore and will likely not share the same type of

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