Mistreatment Of African-American Women In The Help By Kathryn Stockett

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The novel “The Help” was written in 2009, by Kathryn Stockett. “The Help” is written about African American women working in white homes in Jacksonville, Mississippi in the early 1960s. During this time, people were facing severe segregation and mistreatment of African Americans. Stockett created a moving novel using humor and hope to show the harsh reality of how African American women were being treated especially by other women. It is written in third person but features three first- persons narrator's, Aibileen Clark, Minny Jackson, and Skeeter Phelan. This is an interesting approach to writing the novel because it allows to know every type of perspective, the African Americans, the white women who are mean to them, and white women who …show more content…

Stockett wrote this novel to entertain, by including humorous scenes, and informative, by talking about the hardships of African American women and the treatment they received in the 1960s. “The Help” is set in Mississippi in the early 1960s. The main character, Aibileen Clark, is an African American women who works for the Leefolt family. Aibileen took care of Mae Mobley Leefolt, a two year old girl and Elizabeth Leefolts daughter. In an early scene when Aibileen first arrived, it stated, “Mae Mobley make an ugly face at me and then she rear back and bowp. She wack me right on the ear.” This event occurred because she had no discipline nor did she recieve any attention from her parents. Minny Jackson is the next African American woman to be introduced. She works for Hilly Walters Holbrook. Minny is the best cook in the town but gets fired after talking back to Hilly, who she gets revenge on. The revenge haunts Minny throughout the entire book. The last important figure to be introduced is Skeeter Phelan. She is friends with Elizabeth Leefolt and Hilly Holbrook. The women have been friends since they were young, but now as they are growing up, Skeeter is drifting away from …show more content…

“The Help” demonstrates that segregation is not only mean that blacks and whites cannot live together. It also means that blacks cannot interact with whites unless they are serving them in some way. There were strict rules about the interaction between African Americans too. Aibileen describes their segregation as, “Jackson's just one white neighborhood after the next and more springing up down the road. But the colored part of town, we one big anthill, surrounded by state land that ain't for sale. As our numbers get bigger, we can't spread out. Our part of town just gets thicker.” African Americans received inferior living conditions and services. Kathryn Stockett wrote this novel because she lived in this area and knew about the segregation and cruel things African Americans endured. Stockett did a great job at creating characters who were strong and willing to share their personal stories. Her writing style was also an intriguing quality in this novel. The variety of language is what made the book appealing and interesting. Changed from white, classy southern women, to Southern African Americans makes the novel seem even more real. There were many sad parts but she kept it entertaining. She did this by including humourous scenes such as Minny making the poo pie to give to Hilly. Overall, Stockett succeeded in informing me about the lives of African Americans, while

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